Who Has Opened Our Exhibitions

Many illustrious people have opened our Packsaddle exhibitions over the years. All have been most entertaining and often very illuminating.

1991 Roy Churcher (artist)
1995 Bruce Thom (Vice– Chancellor at UNE)
1996 Christopher Hodges (artist, owner of Utopia Art, Sydney)
1997 BJF Wright (Patron of NERAM)
1998 Suzanne Archer (artist)
2000 Angus Nivison (artist)
2001 Jenny Sages (artist)
2003 Adrian Lockhart (artist)
2002 Deborah Wildsmith (Regular Packsaddle supporter)
2004 Janice Lally Director, NERAM
2005 Christopher Hodges (artist, owner of Utopia Art Sydney)
2006 Edmund Capon (Director, AGNSW)
2007 Max Miller (artist)
2009 Juliette Holmes ã Court (artist)
2010 Jo Bertini (artist)
2011 Madeleine Winch (artist)
2012 Barry Pearce (Emeritus Curator AGNSW)
2013 Wendy Sharpe (artist)
2014 Neil Evans (artist)
2015 Idris Murphy (artist)
2016 Euan MacLeod (artist)
2017 Amanda Penrose Hart (artist)
2018 Christopher Hodges (artist, Director Utopia Art Sydney)
2019 Melissa Smith (artist) 2022 Harrie Fasher (sculptor) 2023 Tim Storrier (artist, sculptor)

Top, from left: Christopher Hodges, Angus Nivison, Edmund Capon, Madeline Winch
Above: Wendy Sharpe, Amanda Penrose Hart, Euan MacLeod, Melissa Smith,Harrie FAsher, Tim Storrier